Catering for a mixed martial art event at your own gym is something that needs to take into account a variety of factors, from the nutrition provided by the food itself, as well as the dietary requirements of the participants. This guide will provide you with some key nutritional points to consider to ensure the athletes are well fed and able to both hydrate effectively and provide themselves with adequate energy.

Macro Balance: Carbs, Protein and Fat

Having a balance of the different food groups, in accordance with the Australian Government's Guide to Healthy Eating, will provide the participants with quick access energy sources (carbohydrates and fats), as well as protein for recovery and satiety. Regardless of the current trend for low carbohydrate and ketogenic diets that promote fewer than 50g of carbohydrates a day, the majority of the fighters will be eating a higher proportion of carbohydrates. This will help them to access their energy systems quickly and provide them with long sustained energy.

In order to cater for this at the event, foods such as low sugar oat bars and brown rice salads coupled with multiple coloured vegetables such as cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes will work well. The high fiber content of these carbohydrate sources will reduce the likelihood of bloating that can come from high sugar energy bars. Whilst the phytochemicals and additional water in the vegetables will aid hydration and reduce inflammation. This can further be increased by adding healthy oils such as avocado and olive oil, both of which provide additional energy sources and tackle inflammation.

With regards to protein, sources such as chicken and salmon can be prepared in advance and coupled with the carbohydrate dishes discussed above. They will help the fighters to feel fuller, quicker which reduces the risk of uncomfortable bloating a flatulence.

Hydration is More Than Just Water

When it comes to hydration you can provide more than just water. Through perspiration electrolytes are lost which can cause rapid dehydrations and fatigue. You can create your own natural energy drinks by combining fruit juice, salt and water. The fruit juice will provide vitamins and minerals, whilst the salt will replace that lost through sweating, whilst the water hydrates. Pink Himalayan salt or Celtic salt are the best options, as they can a plethora of different minerals as well. Coconut water is also another great option because of it's high potassium count which can further combat dehydration.
